One of the most important factors for the study to be effective is the environment. The youth dormitories must meet certain standards so that the performance is the best. In the next post we show you how to improve your performance by adapting your study environment and we show you some study techniques to improve your concentration.
What does your study environment need to have
– Peace of mind . A relaxed and little busy atmosphere in your youth bedroom is ideal to concentrate. In addition, red, orange and bright colors in walls and decoration are discouraged, since they make concentration difficult.
– Amplitude and order . Having a large clear and functional space facilitates the study. The desk should be large enough so that the study material is not piled up and can be worked comfortably. Organizing the study material in shelves, drawers and auxiliary drawers will help you clear your table in case you do not have much space. If your house is very small, we recommend you consider the possibility of placing folding beds to gain space. There are models of complete youth rooms on the market designed so that all furniture occupies the minimum possible space while maintaining maximum capacity. You can see some in the Forms19 series .
– Lighting . Ideally, between natural light and that we are located perpendicular to it, neither in front of nor behind. When using artificial light, according to this Infobae study it is best to use 6,500K cold light LED bulbs. Cold lights encourage activity, concentration and alertness. We recommend placing the study lamp on the opposite side to the hand with which it is written to prevent our own shadow from covering our text. That is to say: If we are right-handed, the light would be on the left and vice versa.
– Routine . There is nothing more effective than creating a routine. Trying to go to the same place (our desk) at the same time for 1 week creates a habit of study and encourages concentration. It also helps some people to use music to study . Later we will explain in more detail how this technique is used.
Click to listen to your studio music
Study techniques
– Underline . It is one of the most effective techniques. Underlining the keywords makes us remember better. In addition, remembering these words helps to evoke the content related to them and to focus attention on the important.
– Esquemas. Los esquemas son útiles a la hora de estructurar un contenido. Cuando tenemos que memorizar una gran cantidad de información son de gran ayuda, ya que permiten organizarla de manera más sencilla.
– Asociación de imágenes a palabras. Es especialmente efectiva cuando tratamos de memorizar palabras desconocidas. Por ejemplo, asociar la palabra «ojiplático» con un ojo y un plato.
– Música para estudiar. Ideal para ayudar a la gente más nerviosa o despistada a concentrarse. Si se utiliza de forma adecuada se pueden asociar ciertas canciones a momentos de estudio, facilitando entrar en un estado de concentración cada vez que se escuchen. Se recomienda música tranquila a bajo volumen. Desde Glicerio Chaves os recomendamos estas listas de reproducción de música clásica, de meditación y chill out. Pulsando sobre el nombre de cualquiera de ellos puedes escucharlos y probar cúal se adapta mejor a tí. Dependiendo de tu personalidad te ayudará más a concentrarte un estilo u otro.
Esperamos que te ayuden estos consejos a aprobar tus exámenes con la máxima nota. No olvides consultar nuestro catálogo para encontrar una habitación juvenil que te facilite y ayude en tu rendimiento académico.